
获得博士学位所需的学分数: 45个学分,其中硕士30个学分,博士15个学分


选修课 118
论文研究 2

学生在第一个领域选择三门选修课程, 第二领域的两门选修课, 还有一门免费选修课. 这两个领域的选修课程应在学生计划完成书面综合考试的领域进行. 自由选修课可以选修高级方法或其他实质性课程. Taking more than two independent study courses requires the permission of the 研究生 Chair.


学生必须注册 政客们9999 while writing their dissertation to remain in good standing in the program unless they file for a leave of absence. 学生通常注册1个学分 政客们9999 他们每学期都要写论文. 在必修的6个研究学分中,至少有2个学分 政客们9999 必须采取行动.

The Qualifying Examinations are given at the end of the Spring term for students in their second year of the PhD program. 有资格参加资格考试, 学生必须完成几乎所有的教学课程,并且无论他们完成了多少学分,他们的成绩单上都没有未完成的部分. 在实践中, all incompletes must be converted to a letter grade by the date on which the examinations take place.

Students take the PhD Qualifying Examinations in one of four fields: American Politics, 比较政治学, “国际关系与政治理论”. The field in which a student takes their Qualifying Examinations is considered their primary field of study. 考试包括书面部分,由研究生主席与子领域协调员协商后从子领域中选出至少三名教员进行. The examiners have joint responsibility for writing and grading the field examination. 在这次考试中, 学生必须在他们的主要博士研究领域展示知识的深度和广度以及智力的复杂性. They should also be prepared to interpret political phenomena within the context of various theories, 使用经验数据来阐明概念, 并找出知识上的差距. 鼓励学生与他们所在领域的教师会面,讨论考试内容的一般领域,以确保他们准确地识别关键理论, 概念和文献. 教授可能会提出样题, 以前的考试或特殊的阅读清单可以作为学习辅助.

没有通过资格考试笔试部分的学生可以在博士课程第二年结束后的夏季结束时参加新的版本. 研究生院规定,两次全部或部分考试不及格的学生将自动退学.

除了资格考试在他们的主要领域, 学生还必须提交一份他们主要研究领域的论文. 实地报告是一份具有出版质量的完整研究报告. 它的目的是作为一个重要的踏脚石对论文提案,并可能建立在以前的课程中写的论文. 在学生第二年的春季学期,学生注册入学 政客们9994 and works with the course instructor and a member of the graduate faculty to generate a topic for the field paper. 实地报告应在学生第三年秋季学期开始时提交. Papers are evaluated by the Qualifying Examinations committee in the relevant field. 考试成绩及格的学生,可在交卷后十天内向资格考试委员会口头交卷. 未通过资格考试委员会审核的论文,必须在第三年秋季学期结束前修改并重新提交. 在第三年秋季学期的考试期结束时未能完成令人满意的实地论文,将构成退学的理由.

代替资格考试, 学生须向有关专业的资格考试委员会提交第二专业的研讨会论文. 作为他们课程的一部分, 学生必须参加核心研讨会和两门第二专业的选修课. All graduate elective courses give students the option of writing a seminar paper as a central element of the course grading. 选一门选修课, 学生完成一篇研讨会论文, 哪一个是由记录老师照常评分的, and turned in when students sit for their Qualifying Examinations in their primary field. 在论文提交资格考试委员会之前,该课程的授课老师可能会要求对论文进行进一步修改.

In consultation with the 研究生 Chair, the candidate secures a principal dissertation advisor. This person must be a member of the Political Science 研究生 教师 and specialize in the area of the dissertation topic. 最好是在通过博士资格考试后的学期内, 之后不超过两届, 候选人需要 政客们9998、论文开题准备课程. 该课程每年秋季在研究生主席的指导下开设. 该课程的目的是启动学生写他们的论文提案,并准备他们写论文. 学生必须完成以下工作: 

  1. 在导师的指导下(或者与导师不同), the faculty member most likely to supervise their dissertation) and 研究生 Chair, 通过研究和阅读开始探索可能的论文主题. 
  2. Attend seminar meetings in the Fall term under the supervision of the 研究生 Chair. 在这些会议上, the 研究生 Chair presents information relevant to the development and preparation of dissertation proposals and chapters. 学生被要求做演讲,解决在提案和论文写作过程中遇到的问题,以及克服这些问题的策略. 学生已经采取了 政客们9998 是否被邀请回来参加随后的研讨会,并报告他们的进展,并与参加课程的学生分享他们的经验. 

In consultation with the dissertation advisor, the student assembles a Doctoral Advisory Committee. The Doctoral Advisory Committee is to be composed of at least three Temple 研究生 教师, 其中至少有两人的主要职位是政治学. The composition of the Doctoral Advisory Committee must be formally approved by the 研究生 Chair. 如果学生想要写一篇需要补充本系教师专业知识的论文,可能需要从另一个系找一个委员会成员. 学生有责任说服研究生主席,可以建立一个有足够专业知识的委员会,并有愿意为之服务的教师.

Students are required to submit a preliminary proposal not to exceed five double-spaced pages. 初步建议应处理待审查的问题,并说明为什么需要对这些问题进行重大研究. Students are expected to show why these questions are or should be important to political scientists as well as to citizens. 只有在博士咨询委员会认为学生写了一份有说服力的初步提案后,学生才被允许写一份更长的提案, 如果委员会认为一个更长的提案是必要的.

圆满完成 政客们9998 culminates in the defense of the dissertation prospectus before the Doctoral Advisory Committee. 论文简介, 由研究设计和文献综述组成, should be defended and accepted by the full membership of the committee within two terms after completion of PhD coursework. 如果学生在完成课程的一年内没有成功地为招股说明书辩护,则不会获得经济资助. 在完成博士课程后两年内未提交经批准的论文开题的学生将被开除. An approved proposal is a contract between the student and the Doctoral Advisory Committee. 批准后, 在项目的实质性方向上,任何重大的理论或方法上的改变都必须得到委员会的批准.

Once the prospectus is successfully defended, the student is advanced to candidacy. The Doctoral Advisory Committee must confer at least once a year with the student to review progress and provide advice. 学生应主动安排这些交流,并确保将教师对交流的书面评论放在他们的研究生档案中.

博士论文应证明候选人能够以高水平的专业能力进行学术研究. The dissertation should constitute a distinctive contribution to knowledge in Political Science. 正常情况下, 它应该概述政治学某个领域的理论知识, 提出一个与理论相关的问题或假设, and provide empirical data to illuminate the theoretical issues in a convincing manner.

The 研究生 School requires that students working on a dissertation register for 政客们9999 为了保持一个积极的研究生的地位.

Students must submit final drafts of dissertations in an approved style and format. 如果不这样做,最后可能会导致大量的重新格式化. 有关所需格式的信息可在 论文与论文手册.

After the principal dissertation advisor and the Doctoral Advisory Committee have reviewed the completed dissertation draft, 从部门以外的第四读者谁没有参与以前的论文必须由论文委员会主席和研究生主席选择. 学生可以推荐一个读者. 这位读者必须是来自亿德体育其他部门或其他大学的研究生教员,他必须有资格公正地评判论文的学术价值. 作为新成立的论文评审委员会的成员, this reader should receive a completed draft of the dissertation one month before the anticipated dissertation defense date. 来自亿德体育以外的读者必须在口头答辩前至少两周提交简历并获得研究生院的批准.

When a majority of the Dissertation Examining Committee has judged in writing that the dissertation is ready to be defended, 可以安排辩护日期. 答辩对大学社区和学生家庭开放. Others who wish to attend must obtain the written permission of the student and the Dissertation Examining Committee. 答辩必须至少提前10个工作日向社会公告. Notice must be sent to all faculty members in the department and to the 研究生 School. The public announcement of the defense should include an abstract of the dissertation.

The oral defense must be chaired by a member of the committee other than the dissertation advisor. 口头答辩应证明:

  • the dissertation is commensurate with the standards for original research in Political Science;
  • the ethics and standards governing Political Science research have been followed;
  • the research and appropriate methodology have been mastered; and
  • the candidate has an understanding of the relationship of this work to the broader field in which it is lodged.

经学位论文审查委员会全体委员半数以上同意,方可通过审查. 如果论文被批准,但修订是必需的, the revisions must be submitted to the 研究生 School in final form within 30 days of the defense. 否则,答辩无效,必须重新安排口头答辩. After the final draft of the dissertation has been approved by the dissertation chair, it must be submitted to the 研究生 Coordinator and to the 研究生 School by uploading the final document to http://www.etdadmin.com/cgi-bin/school?siteId=171.