Program Requirements

General Program Requirements:
学士学位以外所需的学分数: 36

Required Courses:

Core Courses
BIOL 8003Introduction to Graduate Research3
BIOL 8220Seminar 13
Three 8000-level Biology seminars 29
Two additional graduate-level courses 36
Select three from the following:9
BIOL 5101
BIOL 5111
Genomics in Medicine
BIOL 5112
Fundamentals of Genomic Evolutionary Medicine
BIOL 5114
Evolutionary Ecology
BIOL 5128
Genomics and Infectious Disease Dynamics
BIOL 5241
BIOL 5254
Animal Behavior
BIOL 5275
Ecology of Invasive Species
BIOL 5301
Cell Biology
BIOL 5307
Conservation Biology
BIOL 5312
BIOL 5321
Plant Community Ecology
BIOL 5322
Biology of Plants
BIOL 5323
Global Change Science: Analytics with R
BIOL 5335
Polar Biology - Life at the Extremes
BIOL 5337
Comparative Biomechanics
BIOL 5338
BIOL 5358
Cellular/Molecular Neuroscience
BIOL 5361
Molecular Neuropharmacology
BIOL 5366
Stem Cell Biology
BIOL 5403
BIOL 5416
Tropical Marine Biology: Belize
BIOL 5428
BIOL 5429
Developmental Genetics
BIOL 5436
Freshwater Ecology
BIOL 5452
Systems Neuroscience
BIOL 5454
Neurological Basis of Animal Behavior
BIOL 5456
BIOL 5464
Biochemistry of Embryogenesis
BIOL 5465
Mammalian Development
BIOL 5466
Contemporary Biology
BIOL 5469
Molecular Biology
BIOL 5471
Cell Proliferation
BIOL 5474
Physical Biochemistry
BIOL 5475
General Biochemistry I
BIOL 5476
General Biochemistry II
BIOL 5479
BIOL 5501
Analytical Biotechnology
BIOL 5502
Microbial Biotechnology
EES 5011
Remote Sensing and GIS
Research Courses 46
BIOL 9994
Preliminary Examination Preparation
BIOL 9998
Pre-Dissertation Research / Elevation to Candidacy
BIOL 9999
Dissertation Research
Total Credit Hours36

Students take 1 credit of BIOL 8220 in the Fall and 2 credits of BIOL 8220 in the Spring.




额外的课程从8000级的研讨会或5000级的生物学课程中选择. 经学生指导老师和研究生主席批准, 可以选修两门与学生职业目标相一致的非生物学研究生课程.


A minimum of 2 credits of BIOL 9999 must be taken.

Additional Requirements:

所有博士候选人必须有亿德体育的教学经验. 在生物系担任助教可以满足至少两个学期的教学要求.


Culminating Events:
Preliminary Examination:
学生应在第四学期的4月1日之前,独立准备一份书面提案并提交给研究生委员会. 该提案应遵循向联邦资助机构提交博士后提案的一般格式.g., NIH). 它应该包括一个特定研究问题的背景, 包括与问题相关的文献和调查问题的详细方法计划. The sections of the written proposal should include Title; Abstract (not to exceed 300 words); Specific Aims; Background and Significance; Preliminary Data; Experimental Design (including Rationale, Specific Methods, Interpretation of Possible Results, and Pitfalls and Alternative Strategies); and References in PNAS format. 初步的考试建议应该是15到20页的长度. 研究顾问不得对简报作出直接贡献.

地区委员会有两星期时间检讨书面建议, and the student is allowed only one re-write. 如果提案在第一次重写后未被接受, the student is considered to have failed the exam. If the written proposal is accepted, 口试由本署安排,并于两星期内举行. 口试测试学生对研究计划的背景和内容的理解,以及对研究所涉及的专业领域的理解.

初审由初审委员会在研究顾问缺席的情况下进行. 预备考试委员会至少有三名审核员. The full exam, both written and oral, 是由初审委员会评分的吗, and one of the following grades is assigned: Fail, Promising, Pass, High Pass, or Pass with Distinction. The evaluators look for a breadth and depth of understanding of specific research areas; a critical application of that knowledge to specific biological phenomena; and an ability to write a proposal in a manner consistent with scientists in the student's specialization. 考试当天就会通知学生成绩. 初审委员会以2/3多数票通过,成绩合格. “有希望”的分数表示必须重新参加考试. 必须在下一学年的10月1日之前完成重新考试.


博士咨询委员会至少包括四名成员:三名来自本系, including the advisor, and one from outside the department. 部门成员必须是研究生院或同等的研究人员,并由学生和指导老师选择. 博士咨询委员会将在初步审查成功完成后的两到三个月内成立, 但外部成员除外,他们可能会在晚些时候被选中. 如有需要,学生可向生物系研究生委员会申请更换指导老师或委员.

博士答辩将包括一个正式的向公众开放的部门讨论会. 由博士生咨询委员会主持,外部审稿人在场. 必须至少提前10个工作日通知研究生院. 论文答辩公告张贴在生物系周围,并通过电子邮件或邮件列表发送.
