Doctor of Dental Medicine

Temple University Maurice H. 科恩伯格牙科学院在牙科教育方面有150多年的历史. 随着牙科领域的发展,学校参与了各个阶段, 从第一把牙科椅的发明到今天最先进的数字技术. As a graduate of Temple’s Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) program, you will be highly competent in providing ethical, scientifically based, patient-centered and community-oriented oral healthcare. 科恩伯格的DMD项目广受尊敬,被认为是最好和最全面的临床项目之一,教育和准备毕业后立即有能力执业的牙医. 

一个强大的教学课程与不同的临床经验和研究和学术机会相结合, 为您提供所需的知识和技能,为您获得学位后的实践做好准备. 在整个职业生涯中,你也会培养对不断学习和进步的欣赏, 帮助您在发展最迅速的医疗保健行业之一取得成功. 

Patient-centered Care

成立于1863年,是美国第二古老的牙科学校.S. 学校仍然致力于其创始原则,即培养有能力为所有人提供优质口腔保健的牙医, 包括社区的弱势群体和有特殊需要的病人. DMD计划采取人性化的方法,并植根于这样一种信念,即通过将综合口腔保健纳入初级保健,可以实现更好的生活质量. To that end, the program puts the patient at the center of your education, preparing you to provide compassionate, considerate and professional care to all patients. 

Diverse Patient Population

Located in North Philadelphia, an area with an economically, 种族和民族多元化的人口与公共交通联系在一起,200多人可以轻松到达,000 residents of the city of Philadelphia, 科恩伯格牙科学院为您提供了无与伦比的访问病人群体,有牙科需求与广泛的口腔健康状况. 在科恩伯格诊所就诊的病人通常对牙科护理有很高的需求,而且就诊的机会有限, resulting in unmatched opportunities for students to provide care. Learn more about clinical education

费城是美国最著名的医疗专业人员聚集地之一. As a result, 你将有机会向这座历史悠久的城市的多元化人口学习.

In the classroom and clinics, 你将体验到一个注重教育和以病人为中心的护理环境. 您将从热衷于分享知识和塑造下一代牙医的专家教师从业者那里了解实践管理和新的数字技术. 

Beyond the classroom, 该地区有许多校友经营的私人诊所,经常邀请学生亲身体验私人诊所的运作方式. These observational opportunities build on the innovative Practice Management in Action course, which teaches you about the business side of dentistry, while connecting current students with practicing alumni.

Commitment to Innovation

康伯和坦普尔致力于不断投资于最先进的技术和牙科设备, 因此,学生们接受了该领域最新进展的培训和知识. 您还将准备好专业地适应技术的不断变化,这些变化将影响您未来的实践.

学生可以与教师导师一起进行原创性研究或其他学术活动. 学校拥有从事智能生物材料新研究的新实验室, dentin and pulp regeneration, oral microbiome, issue engineering and genetics, and public health or behavioral sciences. 您将学习对科学证据进行批判性分析,以支持临床护理. Learn more about research opportunities. 

International Dentists DMD program

从国际牙科学校毕业的经验丰富的牙医可能会对这个项目感兴趣 International Dentists DMD.


Classes & Curriculum

牙科DMD课程从身体正常结构和功能的课堂学习开始, including oral and dental tissues and systems, 还有一个临床前的课程,向学生介绍牙齿解剖学, dental materials, occlusion and operative dentistry. 在第二年,你将学习疾病和系统以及它们如何影响口腔和牙齿健康. 然后,您将开始临床前系列课程,涵盖牙科的几乎所有阶段, including digital dentistry, endodontics, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, prosthodontics and radiography. In your third and fourth years, 您将获得专业知识,提供全面的口腔护理和执行复杂的牙科手术所需的现代牙科实践. You will also develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, 同时磨练你在基于证据的知识基础上做出道德决定的能力. 

Sample courses you will take during your studies include

  • Anesthesia and Pain Control,
  • Biochemistry,
  • Dental Materials,
  • Endodontology and
  • Periodontology.


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Tuition & Fees

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 这个牙科DMD提供有竞争力的学费水平,并有多种机会获得经济支持.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more.

  • Tuition non-resident: $81,172.00 per year
  • Tuition resident: $70,514.00 per year

Learn more about the tuition rates for the 2024-2025 academic year.


Additional Program Information